
Day 2: Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law: a rule that states, "If something can go wrong, it will." An addition to this law reads, "and usually at the worst time." The identity of "Murphy" is unknown, but the saying was first used during the 1940s and may have originated with members of the armed forces in WWII.

That last part was just a fun little tid-bit but this pretty much sums up my day today. Or the last few days rather. Let's see. I woke up late, my shower was cold and I couldn't get the shower to turn on for like 15 minutes. Theeen none of the programs that I was trying to use at work were working. That made no sense. See, see what happened to my brain today. Also, when I woke up my stomach hurt a little bit and I forced myself to eat breakfast. I hope with this Whole30 thing that I will get on a good schedule of not eating late and being hungry in the mornings. I know how important breakfast is, but shit - if I ain't hungry, I ain't hungry.

Next I come home to try and set up the wireless router I bought at lunch today and OF COURSE that doesn't work because it is not compatible with the operating system that is on my Mac. So I spent the next 45 minutes chatting with some chick named Dianne on Linksys tech support (insert unamused [not amused?] face here).

It looks like an avocado shat on my salad
I finally got that set up so I went to HEB to pick up a few things for the next couple of days. Spent more than I wanted to and I come home to a non-working stove. By now it is 1930 and I haven't eaten dinner. FML. For realisies. I get a salad from Subway and call it a night. Oh, tried to do a load of dishes and my dishwasher is broken too. Love it.

You know, I think I picked the worst week to start Whole30 because so far I just suck at it. Oh well, it's the first week and i'll get better... Hopefully. Short post because I am going to go pass out and cross my fingers that tomorrow will be a better and Murphy-less day.

Day 2:
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • Sweet potato
  • Tur-zucc-ash
  • Salad with veggies, oil & vinegar

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great even with all of your Murphy episodes... sucks at the time to have things not working, but the bright side is you will have a new stove and dishwasher :O)
