
Day 12: Grillin & Chillin

Cute lil' guys
Friday. Thank God for Friday's. When you work 5 days a week Friday has such a different meaning. It's fabulous. Fabulous Friday. Food wise today was a good day. Nothing special or out of the ordinary included in my diet. I have a good amount of leftover and thawed meat that I need to eat so I keep eating the same things over and over again. I have been slacking on recipe experimenting and sauce making. I still have yet to make the mayo! Something that I am dying to make. And I want to make the BBQ sauce so I can make BBQ pulled chicken in the crockpot (you know who you are). Won't be the exact same without a bun and some cheddar cheese but it'll still be dee-lish.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with some of those small red, yellow, and orange sweet peppers. Those are so convenient and I think they have a better taste than bigger bell peppers. I would recommend experimenting with them because they can for sure go in more things than just eggs. An added bonus is that when you cut them they sometimes turn out like cute little flower things (see picture above).

Lunch was a salmon salad because I still have some of that sockeye and it's still good, but I have to eat it fast. It's strange how much flavor and satisfaction I can get from a gown of kale mix, spinach, salmon, olive oil, and lemon juice. Before Whole30 I would've added nuts and cheese and some heavy low-fat dressing that I thought was semi healthy because it had zero calories. It's amazing how much healthier you can be if you make your own sauces and dressings. Salads become so unhealthy once you douce them in Ranch dressing. Or even fat-free or low-fat balsamic vinegar, which contains a good amount of sugar in it. It does take more effort to make your own stuff but once you make a jar it can last you. Bottom line is that I need to get on that shit. Get off my lazy butt. Especially with classes starting next Wednesday. I won't have a ton of free time...

Hey! Can we have some?
I am dog sitting for Jim and Marianne this weekend. Bully #1: Simon. Bully #2 Barkley. They're my pals. Bonus - they have a nice gas grill that I grilled some pork loins on. I must admit that today was the very first time I have EVER grilled on a real grill. I mean, I own a George Foreman but let's be real people - it doesn't compare to a grill. My pork loins turned out good for my first time. They were a little dry because I think I might've left them on the grill a little too long. But hey, I'm learning. Simon and Barkley sure looked like they wanted some pork! Just look at those faces. Adorbs.

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