
Day 20: Football, Franks, and Burgers

The eyes of TX are upon you!
Today was a great day for my personal life, but not so great for Whole30... I had a great Saturday because I ran some errands, got some reading done, and WENT TO MY FIRST UT FOOTBALL GAME! I was really excited but I have to say - the tailgate was not as fun without drinking. It's just such a social part of tailgating. Ice cold beer in one hand and a burger in the other. I did not experience this and I cried a single tear because of it. Someone had to pour some champagne on the ground and dedicate it to me (aka their homie). It's sad because I have not gone 30 days without alcohol since I turned 21... But to be honest the upside to that is I am not going to be hungover tomorrow. And I need to accomplish a lot tomorrow so I can't afford to be hungover.

Anyways, I got off to a great start this morning with meal 1: sweet potato hash browns with 2 fried eggs on top. I took the sweet potato and peeled it and then julienned it into tiny little strips. The latter was very difficult - well more difficult than I thought it would be. A sweet potato is not the softest and squishiest of vegetables. It was manageable though and the end result was fabulous. I seasoned the hash browns with salt, pepper, allspice, and some cinnamon. Sooooo tasty! I recommend them to anyone who loves sweet potatoes.

I had some fruit and cashews halfway through the day, like a few hours before I left for the football game. I was expecting BBQ at the game and thought I could just snack on that. Well there were really only sausages. So I ate two of those with some yellow mustard... and no veggies. Today was a very veggie-less day. Sadly. It's strange because the longer I have been doing this the more and more I enjoy eating vegetables. Meal 1 is still the hardest time for me to eat vegetables, but I have become accustomed to it. I didn't eat anything at the game because I wasn't hungry after those sausages, which was probably for the best because I am not sure what I would've eaten. Let's just say that sporting events are very conducive to eating like a rabbit.

After the game I went bowling with my friend Tyler and I got a hamburger without the bun, with lettuce, pickles, onions, and mustard. It was actually quite pathetic looking. But it did the job. However, yet again I didn't have any veggies. You can't count the little pathetic scraps of white colored "lettuce" on top of my hamburger patty. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for good 'ol veggies. I hit the 3 week mark tomorrow!! Woo hoo!!

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