
Kimchi, Kombucha, and... Sauerkraut?

Yummm cabbage
Today I did some research and figured out some possible solutions to my... issue... I am going to try a few things and hope they help. First, I am going to start eating naturally fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut. According to Whole30, " raw fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut and kimchi... provide a rich source of nutrition and digestion-enhancing enzymes. The fermentation process also provides natural probiotics, helping the intestinal tract maintain a healthy balance of bacteria by increasing the “good guys.”" (It Starts With Food p.157) And they recommend including these fermented veggies in your diet a few times a week. 

Doesn't look as glorious now does it?

Second, I am going to try Kombucha - even though Wikipedia says: Drinking kombucha has been linked, in rare cases, to serious side effects and deaths, and improper preparation can lead to contamination. Seems legit... All the health nuts are drinking it so why the hell not. It is approved on Whole30 as long as it doesn't have any added sugars. So I am gonna give it a try. If it'll help get my regular, by all means let's do it.

Third, I am going to order some fish oil from this website (I am getting the starter kit). In liquid form. Yes people, liquid (flavored) fish oil. Yumm. This is supposed to, for lack of better words, lube up my system. Ya, shit just got real. No pun intended. Third and a half, I am going to start taking super enzymes, or digestive enzymes. These are supposed to help with digestion. Duh. Whole30 has a supplement evaluation checklist that you can use to see if the supplements you take are Whole30 approved. They also have a list of specific supplements they take and why they take them. But supplements are a topic for another post.

I hope mine turns out like this...
Of course I am not going to do these things all at once. Especially because I probably won't purchase my fish oil until I get paid, and I may not even like the taste of Kimchi. I am going to trythis recipe (omitting the sugar - obvi) and see. It's kinda creepy though because you have to store it in a dark place for like 3 days. I guess when you personally pickle or ferment something it's different than just grabbing a jar of pickles off of the shelf. Or out of the 'frigerator if you're Kevin and love your Claussens. But something's gotta happen soon, and I am willing to take dire measures (aka ferment cabbage in the crevasses of my apartment) in order to get my gut bacteria in order. Guess my body is just getting used to changes like anything else...


  1. I am a terrible Whole30ier or however you would say that. I had no fermented anything on my 30 or since. I should probably go back and reread the book since I sat down on a Saturday morning and read the whole thing in one day.
    I will say I have had Kimchi of a few different types in Korea and was not my fave :O( I do however, really like Sauerkraut and could eat that on a variety of things besides krauts.
    Thanks for reminding me about it.
    Can't wait to see how your homemade comes out.

  2. I'm with Jonelle - Sauerkraut!
