
Day 10: Double Hump & Double Digits Day

Today I hit double digits and I am almost halfway there... I am almost to 15 that is. I have to admit I get really confused with the whole "30 days" thing. This may sound super blonde (don't get offended all you blonde people, this isn't your first rodeo) but I feel like 30 days should just be 1 month. I started August 11th and I want to finish September 11th... Wait now I am rethinking that. Okay I am just typing as I go people. So technically I will be done September 10th. But that's a wednesday and I don't like that. So I am going to be done September 12th, which is a Friday so I can have a celebratory alcoholic beverage. Don't judge me. Now that we got all of that cleared up, I know you
guys were super concerned with when my stop date was...

Today was a good day for food. I enjoyed my meals and I felt like I was satiated all day today, which is what matters. Breakfast was some chicken and carrots that I slow cooked in my crockpot while I was sleeping. It was quite simple to prepare. Last night I cut up some carrots, celery, and onion (into big chunks) and tossed them in the bottom of the slow cooker - oh and 1 lemon quartered. I then covered the whole chicken that I got from Sprouts in a rub made from paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and some thyme. Then I just plopped the chicken into the crockpot, turned it on low for 8 hours, and slept. Now I've read a few places that you're only supposed to cook chicken for 6 hours. But this came out juicy and flavorful and I was quite pleased with it. I think next time I will try different spices so that I can get a different kind of flavor. Overall it was a success. I love my slow cooker.

Lunch was a salmon salad. I took some of the leftover sockeye I baked the other night and laid it on a bed of kale mix and spinach. Drizzled some olive oil and squirted some lemon over top for the "dressing" and it tasted really good. Simple but filling. Dinner was the crockpot chicken and carrots with some applesauce and cinnamon. I did snack on some fruit today... possibly a little too much. I had cantaloupe, raspberries, and blueberries. They were really good and probably only 2 servings, which I think for the entire day is fine. I also bought some Rooibos tea and some magnesium (powdered form). Rooibos is an herbal non-caffinated tea that has antioxidants, and magnesium is supposed to be the "anti-stress" drink... I am about to take some before I go to bed so I will let y'all know if I am feeling less stressed. HAHA - ya right ;)

One more random note... I had some random cravings today about having whipped cream and gum and little things like that. It's only day 10 but sometimes it feels like I've been doing this for forever. I wouldn't say I am a person that has a crazy sweet tooth either. But I really really miss lattes. Like a lot. And it's fall and Starbucks is about to release the PSL on 25 August... it's going to be so hard not to get one. I think after Whole30 I will indulge on PSLs every once in a while. Shit happens. Pumpkin spice happens.

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