
Day 3: Things Are Lookin Up

This is not good for the environment
Today was a much better day. I woke up before my alarm and I felt rested. I had a positive attitude while I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I prepared some lunch and snacks for the day. Things were good. I didn't have any protein on hand so I had to get some from the cafe at work. 2 scoops of scrambled eggs later, yes scoops, I was a happy camper. Some salt, pepper, and salsa verde made it muy bueno. So as a reminder, for Whole30 I am supposed to have 1-2 servings of protein, a thumb size amount of fat (approx 1 tbsp), and a crap ton of veggies (aka fill the rest of my plate with veggies). Eggs = protein. Cucumber = veggies. Breakfast = lame sauce.


Lunch was a salad (mixed greens) with carrots and cucumber with oil and vinegar for dressing. For my protein I bought a chicken breast at the cafe, cut it up, and tossed it in my salad. Twas pretty tasty but I couldn't finish it because I was too full. It's strange but I have felt really full since I started Whole30, which is something I didn't think I would feel. I have been really anxious and stressed out though so that could be contributing to the sour tummy that I've been feeling.

Cravings - I had some today... I crave random little snacks like dried cherries, or mini muffins. I think the rest of this week is going to be hard but after that I should get used to eating like this. Right? I also crave alcohol. Ew. Satan's juice is calling my name. It's strange because I used to have a glass of wine to calm down and since I've been so anxious I have to find other ways to relax. I should really start working out but I have no time. I know that's everyones excuse but whatevvvvvva.
Cookin on my new stove!

Day 3:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Salsa verde
  • Cucumbers
  • Strawberries
  • Mixed greens
  • Carrots
  • Chicken breast
  • Broccoli
OH and today I got a new stove, got my dishwasher fixed, and got my lock/key fixed. Everything is falling into place. I went to the Mecca (aka IKEA) after work today as well and got a bunch of neat stuff for the apartment. Now I just need someone to help me put some stuff on the walls. I used my new stove and it works really well. Almost too well. I almost burnt my little chicken strips! I cooked with coconut oil for the first time tonight and lemme tell you, shit is da bomb. I think I used a little too much because it was almost like I was frying the lil chicken strips, but it gave them really good flavor. It's Whole30 approved and GOOD FAT. Yes, I said it. There is such a thing as good fat. It's a little expensive, but totally worth it. Especially when you cook often. Suggestion: get your hands on some good quality coconut oil and cook with it. Lube up fellow chefs!


  1. Half way done with your first week and you're not starving - way to go! Are you feeling like you eat the same thing all the time? I felt that way the first week, but then started experimenting with seasonings etc... I still haven't gotten a chance to make some of the recipes I've wanted to try, so that is my goal this weekend. It's just been hot, so I haven't wanted to turn on my oven. But going for cumin roasted carrots this weekend. Cooked carrots aren't my fav, so I'm hoping that some seasoning will make them yummy :O)

    1. Yes, I feel like I eat chicken and broccoli... oh and broccoli... and broccoli. Haha. I have tried one recipe and I loved it so I am ready to try more recipes!

  2. It is Thursday as I type this so I am on day five. So other than 1) my caffeine headache and 2) my diverticulitis attack - I'm on antibiotics now - so we are all good; it is going fine. I miss cheese though - I used to use it in place of salt so now I am salting things. My hubby made me leak and potato soup last night. I had that and some strawberries for dinner. I had two eggs scrambled in olive oil for breakfast. You sound like you are doing great - keep it up.

    1. I was expecting a caffeine headache and surprisingly I have not had those... Guess I didn't consume as much caffeine as I thought. I miss cheese as well! I also miss coffee with cream and sugar. I am going to try plain coconut milk in my coffee and see if I like that. Or maybe I can train myself to drink black coffee... we'll see. That's great you're doing Whole30! Stay strong.
