
Day 27: Cooked, Cleaned, Shopped

Mah stocked fridge
Saturdays used to be so much fun and now they're full of grocery shopping, meal prep, and cooking. I honestly hate when you read a recipe and it says prep time is supposed to be like 15 minutes, because it always takes me twice as long. I mean they have to be talking about robots when they time that shit out. There is no way a normal human being takes 20 minutes to prep/cook a shepherds pie (which is what I made today). Aaaand on top of it taking a while to prep and measure and combine and brown all the stuff it takes like twice as long to clean all the extra bowls and spoons you use. Okay I'll get off my soap box about cooking - but seriously. My hands are all pruney from all the dishwashing. First world problems.

Mashed cauliflower
I went to Sprouts today and bought a good amount of stuff. Some fruit, veggies, almond milk, ghee, and some other random things. My fridge is stocked! I just have to remember when I bought what veggies so that they don't spoil before I cook them. That's the hardest thing is trying to cook all the fresh stuff you buy before it grows mold or little extremities. I've had to throw away some veggies a few days ago because they were all shriveled and nasty. So word to the wise if you're doing Whole 30: either pay super close attention to when you buy your produce so you can cook it before it goes bad or go to the grocery store like 4 times a week. Buuut I guess that's pretty much common knowledge...

Sprinkled paprika on top - yum!
So the shepherds pie I made was out of the first Well Fed cookbook and it came out pretty tasty! I'll put the recipe up on my blog soon, along with the recipe for mashed cauliflower. Mashed cauliflower is actually very delicious. The consistency came out a little wonky - a little too runny. So if I make them again I will have to add a little coconut flower or arrowroot powder to thicken them up. One modification for the shepherds pie would be to double the recipe for mashed cauliflower. I didn't feel like it covered enough of the meat layer. I also subbed ground turkey for ground lamb because I did not have any of the latter handy. The author of Well Fed offers other modifications to change up the flavor as well. My picture doesn't really do the dish justice because it tasted better than it looked. Overall it was a successful, but antisocial, Saturday... really craving a drink right about now though...

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